Protecta Mineral Fibre Bio
All Polyseam products
- Protecta Board
- Protecta Coatings
- Protecta Collars
- Protecta Mortar
- Protecta Pipe Wrap
- Protecta Sealants
- Protecta Service Transit
- Protecta Board
- Protecta Service Coat
- Protecta Waterproofing
- Protecta Collars White
- Protecta Mortar
- Protecta Pipe Wrap
- Protecta Acrylic Kit
- Protecta Graphite Kit
- Protecta IPT Kit
- Protecta Service Transit

Protecta® Mineral Fibre Bio is made from special alkaline earth silicate (AES) fi bres that have been uniquely engineered to off er advantages in high temperature insulati on applicati ons. These wool blanket products are lightweight, have low thermal conducti vity, low heat storage and excellent resistance to thermal shock.